End to End Consulting and Deployment

CCentric, via its business consulting & delivery services walks the entire path to success along with the customer. We analyze, build, design, deploy all solutions end to end.We help our clientele in designing the ancillary solutions along with the CRM.

We also specialize in helping our customers buy the best tools at a bestprice. Talk to our account managers for licensing and credit ideas.


Value Added Services

CCentric specializes in the functional expertise that can create wonders for our customers. Over a period of time, with enriched experience we have developed very unique business cases as our IP. Definitely talk to our SMEs for awesome ideas and implementations of the same.


Training and Support Services

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think” – Albert Einstein

EnH CCentric believes in evangelizing technology. We specialize in providing live and virtual classroom trainings on concepts as well as products. Reach out to our team and a specialist shall get back to you.